Establishing future-oriented training and qualification quality standards for fostering a broad uptake of sustainable energy skills in the European construction sector (

TRAIN4SUSTAIN finished in 2022, was implemented in Horizon 2020 as research and innovation project, aiming to harmonise and facilitate the recognition of the existing sustainable energy qualification frameworks and schemes across Europe.

The main project result is the TRAIN4SUSTAIN CEN Workshop Agreement (CWA), the first European standard to describe, measure and compare the level of competence of professionals in the field of sustainable construction. It is a useful tool for enhancing the skills of designers and craftsmen of the construction sector and for integrating objective and verifiable skill requirements in tenders. The standard also can be used for the description of the skills provided by training courses and qualification schemes in a harmonized way, allowing professionals to choose the training that best suit their needs.

The practical usability and exploitation of the TRAIN4SUSTAIN competence standard is assured by the European Skills Registry (, a web-based platform providing functions for defining and comparing skills of professionals, issuing related skills passports, describing training courses and  qualification schemes, including skill requirements in GPP processes..

This project has received funding from the European Union’s research and innovation program under grant agreement No 894514.

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